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Little Known Fun Facts about Your Cat's Claws

Little Known Fun Facts about Your Cat's Claws

Posted by Purrdy Paws on Jan 7th 2018

Your cat’s claws are actually not nails

Most people assume a cat’s claws are comparative to a person’s nails. In reality they are quite different. A cat claw actually extends from the front of their toes and is used to catch and kill prey, climb, and defend them. A human nail lies on top of your finger tip in order to protect them from damage.

They can retract their front claws

Cats do not actually pull their claws into their body like Wolverine. Instead they are just lifted slightly off the ground and then pulled between their toes hidden by their fur. Purrdy Paws caps do not in anyway interfere with the retraction or extension of your kitty’s claws. Their ability to retract their front claws helps them move more stealthily, sneak up on prey, and keep their best weapons sharp.

Cats walk on their toes

Unlike humans who walk on the soles of our feet with our toes only touching the ground briefly between strides, cats are considered being digitigrade or toes first walkers. Since a cats rear claws do not retract this helps them naturally stay trimmed. By walking toe first cats use their claws to help with balance. Declawing your kitty wreaks havoc on your cat’s ability to balance them. Please consider a humane alternative such as Purrdy Paws before you ever consider declawing.

Why does a cat’s claw curl?

Cats claws developed with a curve in order to aid them in catching prey. In the wild they use their claws to latch onto and hold prey. It also aids them into removing flesh from a carcass or can help climb a nearby tree for safety. Unfortunately they were just not designed for indoor use. Besides the negative effect they can have on your carpet and furniture, they can actually cause harm to your kitty. Carpet, linens, and furniture can catch your cats claws injuring their feet or toes. Using Purrdy Paws caps effectively blunt your cat’s claws preventing them from becoming stuck. This alleviates the possibility of them hurting themselves from simply running or playing.

Like human fingernails, claws grow throughout their entire life

Because of this fact indoor cats do require some maintenance. You may have noticed your cat pulling at their claws occasionally with their teeth. They do this when the outside of their nails sheath has become dull and are ready to shed. By pulling off their sheath they reveal a new sharp claw ready to go to work. If you notice excessive scratching this can also be a sign that your cat is ready to shed their sheaths.

Cats shed their claws

This occurs about every 4-6 weeks. When you use Purrdy Paws the cap will naturally be shed along with your cats sheath during this time period. Since it does not occur all at once, we advise you to regularly inspect your cat’s claws so that any shed cap can be quickly replaced.