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Top Ten Reasons to Add a New Kitty to your Life

Top Ten Reasons to Add a New Kitty to your Life

Posted by Purrdy Paws on Jan 7th 2018

At Purrdy Paws we love our companions. Our team owns cats, dogs, snakes, rats, lizards, and ferrets. Many of which can be viewed in our Hall of Fame. If you are giving any thought to adding a kitty to your life, we created a top ten list just for you.

1)You can dress them up and make them fabulous.

At Purrdy Paws we offer costumes and jackets to add some flair to your kitty. We also offer dozens of stylish colored nail caps to complete their ensemble. Your new pet will be the envy of your friends and neighbors.

2)They are self reliant.

Simply provide food, fresh water, a clean litter box, and a few toys to keep them occupied and they will take care of the rest. If you are worried that they will pass on the toys and use your furniture as a personal scratching post then consider using Purrdy Paws nail caps. Purrdy Paws will effectively blunt your cats nails so no damage can be done to your possessions.

3)They are hilarious.

Who doesn’t love a good cat video? That happens to be the number one search term on If you have time to kill have a look for yourself. I bet it will put a smile on your face.

4)Cats make great alarm clocks.

They get used to your schedule and nothing says “Hey get up I’m hungry” like a cat in your face. It works better then a cup of coffee any day of the week.

5)They will brighten up your day.

There is nothing like a purring cat to put a smile on your face. They make you laugh with their antics, comfort you when you are feeling desolate, and safe when you are lonely.

6)They can teach your children responsibility.

Feeding, drinking, litter box care and playtime will all help your child interact and understand how they need to think of other beings needs and wants. Not to mention how much fun they will have choosing the purrfect color Purrdy Paws nail caps for them to wear.

7)They make great seat warmers.

Of course they never willingly give up the seat when you need it, but the concept is still sound.

8)They are a great source of comfort when you are sick.

Cats have the innate ability to know when you are not feeling well. Those days when all you want to do is crawl under the covers and stay in bed you will have a friend to be there with you.

9)They control the pest population.

Whether it is those creepy crawlies or rodents visiting your home uninvited you can be sure your cat is on the job.

10)They will grow up to be the greatest friends in the world.

Just like children they respond to love and care and want to return the favor. 

They will be there with you and provide you with unconditional love, make you laugh, and bring your home joy.

They leave a little paw print on your heart and with Purrdy Paws you can be sure it’s as beautiful as they are.